Information Analyst

Thorough data analysis is essential when it comes to steering the planning and scheduling process. Knowledge is power. The planning and scheduling process involves considerable data exchange between different departments, processes and systems.

Did you know that the data in your scheduling files can tell you a lot about aspects such as room occupancy? This includes peak times as well as the the types of rooms requested most frequently and those that are seldom used. Their use and the number of students in a room can also be derived from the data. With this information, you can then go on to calculate the total area of teaching space that you need for each programme.

Other examples of analyses include:

  • The use of teachers over a week/period/semester, when are the peak times?
  • The number of class and teaching hours versus those forecast
  • The number of student movements between different education buildings on the campus

Do you need information that will allow you to steer things in the long term? In that case, it may be helpful to analyse the scheduling files for the past three to five years. The data that you obtain will provide insight into developments in teaching hours and into the types of room in most demand. The management information that you acquire will give you an aid that you can use in discussions with the facilities and educational development departments.

Over the course of a year, there is rarely enough time to collect these data and convert them into management information. Use your holiday efficiently. Senz would be happy to support you in generating management information. All that you need to do is supply your scheduling files and tell us what kind of management information you require.

In addition, today’s scheduling software comes with a divergent range of functions. In practice, schedulers are often unfamiliar with many of these functions or fail to use them efficiently. The professionals at Senz Interim have many years of experience with these software packages and can offer advice and suggestions on their configuration in the form of ‘on-the-job coaching’.

Need tactical insight into your scheduling process?

Are you looking for greater insight into the planning and scheduling process with management reports? We translate your management needs into comprehensible management reports that you can use to steer your operations.

Please get in touch for a no-obligation discussion about the options and issues you face.

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