Workshops & Events education logistics

Senz Interim regularly organizes workshops and events where employees from different educational institutions come together to brainstorm about various current topics in the field of educational logistics.
Register here


Let Senz Interim take a look at your educational logistics process. A quick scan has been developed especially for this purpose, which can quickly and efficiently analyze your educational logistics (process).

Vacancy (junior) Business Intelligence Consultant

Are you the starter on the job market or the experienced colleague we are looking for? For the vacancy of (junior) Business Intelligence Consultant we are looking for a driven colleague to join our team of consultants.
Apply here

About us

As a knowledge partner in educational logistics, we have been creating balance within organisations between employees, processes and systems for over 5 years. The success of Senz Interim consists of the fundamental use of knowledge and experience within educational institutions. We build bridges to realise ambitions based on creative ideas, relevant views and clear convictions.


Rianne Kokhuis. Senior Consultant Onderwijslogistiek
Rianne Kokhuis
Read more about me
Gerben Vaanholt, Senior Consultant Onderwijslogistiek
Gerben Vaanholt
Read more about me
Portretfoto van Dineke van der Neut,
Dineke van der Neut
Consultant Onderwijslogistiek
Read more about me
Patricia Strohm
Consultant Onderwijslogistiek
Read more about me

Our clients

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